Monday, July 28, 2008

This is a link to a story about the weather/humidity/pollution in Hong Kong and the Horses in the Olympics....

The past few days has been the hottest weather I have ever felt, which casuses the air to be really hazy. The humidity is incredable, sometimes it feels like your breathing straight water! My roommate and I worked all day moving everything out of our house up to the roof becuase the bed bugs are back again (the sun kills them). With moving stuff up and down the stairs all day and the heat and humidity I was dripping wet and could hardly breath. But I guess becuase of these weather conditions countries are concerned about their horses and riders.They made some state or the art airconditioned facilities for the horses and everything, but I guess they are still concerned.

I have also been reading things about Hong Kong and China's solutions to possible terrorist attacks/ralleys/protests.
There was an article published in the South China Post about how China is going to be banning black people from Bars during the Olympics and that Middle Eastern Looking people are not going to be allowed into the Olympics. This seems to really contridict their "One World One Dream" Slogan that they have to the Olympics this year. I have also seen a response to this article that says that the chinese word fro black people also means criminal gangs so they mean banning criminal gangs not black people, however I doubt this becuase I have heard many stories about rasisism against blacks in China. My one friend was in a market and one stand was cutting up fresh fish and a western black family walked over to watch and the chinese man started yelling and chased them away with the knife.

Also, if you haven't heard Iraq has been banned from the Olympic Games.

Banner/signs/and things like that have been banned (you can't even have a sheet of paper that says "Go USA"). T-shirts about your country, political views or religious shirts are not allowed.

I think that if there are any problems with the Olympics that they will be more in Beijing where majority of the Olympics are held and not so much in Hong Kong.

1 comment:

Uncle Mark & Grandpa Da said...


You'll have to let us know what days you'll be at the equestrian event (give me the U.S. day) as I would like to see some of it on T.V. I may have to wake up very early or stay up very late.

I've watched a few programs related to the Olympics and the structures they put up. They're definitely amazing and you're right, they're very concerned about the air quality. Starting a few months ago, they made all drivers keep off the streets every other day. Your day off the street was determined by whether your license plate ended in an odd or even number.

Somewhat funny but gross is that they made all restaurants take dog off their menus during the Olympics. I also just finished an Anthony Bourdain episode and the whole week is devoted to China. Very cool and interesting.

You have to give me ten bonus points for coming up with the "Bermese Python". My time spent watching the Natl Geographic channel on TV finally paid off.

I'm glad things are going well for you and you must be looking forward to the visit from your parents and Emma. I have to go to Rochester next week to conduct some training and I'm going to take Emma and Grandpa Da with me. The Rochester Museum of play is right next door and I'll meet them there after my presentation, which takes about an hour.

Had a good conversation with a co-worker in England that's leaving his job and moving to Thailand. You'll need to watch after Shawn while you're there, as it's the prostitution capital of the world.

Keep the notes and pictures coming. It's been real interesting reading about all you've accomplished and I think viewing the Olympics will even give us a greater appreciation of the area that you're in or at least close to.

Take care,


Uncle Mark