Thursday, July 10, 2008

A few days ago in the middle of the afternoon when everyone was at work our atp. was broken into. They got everyones electronics and some peoples cash. They took my computer, ipod, the ipod for emma, my old camera, my gerber letherman, cords, chargers, and all that kind of stuff. I had my credit cards, cash and passport well hidden, so none of that stuff got taken. One guy here is a filmmaker, he worked for Survivor last year, and he got his camera and all his tapes which he had 4 completed documentaries on. They got like atleast 25 of his tapes, pretty much his life's work. The police came and (it was crazy!) They finger printed all the apts and took pictures and stuff, it looked like CSI or something. I doubt anything will be found, all our belongings are most likely are sold on the streets of China already, but our boss is checking with the locals to try and find who did it (it is a very small town located on an island, people have to know who did it).

My new camera was with me at the time, thank god, so I did not get that stolen. The day after we got everything stolen I broke my phone... I have been having some pretty bad luck. But it's not just me, my one boss Phillipe, he was watching the new in a taxi on the way home and he saw that a building was on fire, and it turned out it was the laundrymat that he just had brought ALL of his clothes to that morning, and every article of clothing he owned was burnt. Pretty crazy. An no there is no insurence to cover either his clothes or any of my stuff. I guess 2 of the girls have travelers insurence and they might get some money back.


Shawn Roberts said...

That's horrible. Sorry you lost all of that stuff. I cannot imagine how your buddy is feeling about losing his film...

Uncle Mark & Grandpa Da said...

Meg, sorry to hear the bad news, but at least you had your camera with you and all your perosnal paperwork and credit cards were safe. I guess there is nowhere you can go where you'll be 100% crime free. Looks like you need to take another trip to Macau and win your losses back! Grandpa and I are leaving to visit Shawn tomorrow morning (Sat. here in the U.S.) and will be spending two days with him. We're looking forward to the visit and also getting a little taste of Chicago. Take care of yourself and be safe. Love, Uncle Mark

Emma said...

Hi Meg, maybe they will find some of the items. I'm just glad nobody was hurt. Be safe and be alert. Love Mom

Larissa said...

Hey! So sorry to hear the bad news. Hopefully your luck will be changing soon. Miss you and be careful!!!

Shawn Roberts said...

Hey Meghan, do not know how else to reach you so I am writing your blog. You never got back to me with your flight info, so I have to buy my tickets. I am purchasing them this week. Sorry if we do not have the same flight back (which will stink), but if I wait any longer the tickets will go up a lot in price. I am still shooting for the dates of the 21st or 22nd of dec. Hope all is well, Love you.
