Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I just got back home, I walked back from a friends house, and I look over to the road and see the biggest snake I have ever seen in my life. Like something from the zoo. It was stretched across the road, and too up about 3/4 of the road, thats how long it was. And if you wouldn't be able to put both hands around the girth of the snake. I think it was a python or something! I am going to look it up and see what it was. Anyways, A bus comes down the road and all I could do was stand there and watch the bus come right for this HUGE snake. at the last second the snake tried to coil up and got most of its body out of the way of the tires, but I think the tail end of the snake got hit. an ambulance was driving by behind the snake (not going to a scene or with anyone in the back or anything) and they saw the snake in the road and stopped to get out to see it, so I'm assuming it isn't common to see one that big? Anyways, it was really cool. I wish I had my camera on me at the time.


Uncle Mark & Grandpa Da said...

What an amazing adventure your living and at the ripe old age of 22. Good for you!! If the snake coiled, it was likely a python. I've heard of a Burmese Python, but you're nowhere near Burma, which is now called Myanmar. Could it have been an anaconda or are those only in South America? You are accummulating a massive amount of experience while living your adventure. You'll need to save this blog so you can incorporate all your learnings, etc. in your work portfolio.

I thought it was great that you called Grandpa Da, I know he really enjoyed hearing from you. We had a nice time in Chicago visiting Shawn, but I guess neither of us are big city people, although I liked it better than the oversize NYC.

Keep the updates coming and send more photos when you have the chance.

I meant to ask you. When your laptop was stolen, did you have any backup files anywhere at home or is everything pretty much gone?

Take care,

Love, Uncle Mark

Unknown said...

Meghan how cool!! Let us know what type of snake you think it was when your done researching it. Do they have any poisonous snakes there? Looking forward to our visit. Be safe, Love Mom